1.Turkeys are more than just big chickens–more than 45 million years of evolution separates the two species.
2.Turkeys can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour and fly as fast as 55 miles per hour.
3.These birds are omnivorous and will try many different foods. Most of their diet is grass and grain, but wild turkeys have a varied diet and will also eat insects, berries and small reptiles.
4.The wild turkey was hunted nearly to extinction by the early 1900s, when the population reached a low of around 30,000 birds. But restoration programs across North America have brought the numbers up to seven million today
5.The average lifespan of a wild turkey is 3-5 years, and the oldest known wild turkey lived to be at least 13 years old. Domestic birds bred for food only live a few months
6.Wild turkeys are native to North America and are only found on this continent.
7.Adult male turkeys are called toms and
females are called hens. Very young birds are poults and adolescents are called jakes.
8.A young poult is up, out of the nest and walking around searching for food within an incredibly rapid 24 hours. Turkeys have been known to lay as many as 18 eggs in a clutch so maybe a fast exit is simply to beat the crowd
9.A young poult is up, out of the nest and walking around searching for food within an incredibly rapid 24 hours. Turkeys have been known to lay as many as 18 eggs in a clutch so maybe a fast exit is simply to beat the crowd.
10.Benjamin Franklin never proposed the turkey as a symbol for America, but he did once praise it as being “a much more respectable bird” than the bald eagle.
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