Sunday 25 October 2015



Penguins are shaped like a torpedo.  

Their body is built for the most efficient swimming with their average speed in the water being about 15 miles per hour.


Some of Penguin are able to live in the coldest parts of the world. someare  live very close to the equator where it is quite warm. All penguins though reside within the Southern hemisphere. They are found on every single island there.
Most penguins spend about ¾ of their time in the water. Their bodies are designed to easily adapt to the water. They have feathers that help them to move but also to keep the water from reaching their body. This is important as they have to keep their body temperature regulated. It is also helpful because it seems that the colder the water happens to be, the more their main food sources will be found in it.
    Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in theSouthern Hemisphere.
    Scientific name: Spheniscidae
    Speed: 6 – 9 km/h (Emperor penguin, In The Water)

Physical Description:

There are different type of penguin in the world some as Chinstrap penguins and Adélie .
Chinstrap penguins – named for the narrow black band under their heads – grow to 68 centimetres long and and weigh between three and six kilograms. They are distinguished by the narrow band of black feathers which extends from ear to ear, just below the chin and the cheeks. Males are larger and heavier than females.
The Adélie is a medium sized penguin, weighing 3–6 kg and standing 70 cm tall. They are distinguished by the white ring surrounding the eye. Males and females are of similar size.


Some of Penguin are able to live in the coldest parts of the world. someare  live very close to the equator where it is quite warm. All penguins though reside within the Southern hemisphere. They are found on every single island there.
Others live on sandy beaches and small islands.All penguins have to live close to a body of water where they can hunt for food. They need plenty of fish, krill, squid, and crustaceans to be able to survive. This is why they mainly live close to cold water currents.Chinstrap penguins breed mainly on the Antarctic Peninsula and on islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Threat of penguin:
Humans are a huge threat to the penguin habitat. As they continue to take over such lands, it gets harder for the penguins to continue their natural way of life. Humans are also known for polluting the water with chemicals, oil, debris, and more which further takes away the purity of the natural habitat that penguins need for them to survive.
Leopard seals are the main predator at sea, while predators on land are sheathbills and skuaswho take chicks and eggs.

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