Thursday 28 May 2015

sperm whale

sperm whale

Type: Mammals

Diet: Carnivore  
Size:49 to 59 ft (15 to 18 m)


35 to 45 tons (31.8 to 40.8 metric tons)

Group name:



Sperm whales are easily recognized by their massive heads and prominent rounded foreheads. They have the largest brain of any creature known to have lived on Earth. Their heads also hold large quantities of a substance called spermaceti. Whalers once believed that the oily fluid was sperm, but scientists still do not understand the function of spermaceti. One common theory is that the fluid—which hardens to wax when cold—helps the whale alter its buoyancy so it can dive deep and rise again. Sperm whales are known to dive as deep as 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) in search of squid to eat. These giant mammals must hold their breath for up to 90 minutes on such dives.

Physical Characteristics And Appearance:

When fully matured a male sperm whale will typically grow to be around 50 – 55 ft long and weigh around 35 – 45 tons, with the largest whales measuring in at up to 67 ft. and weighing up to 65 tons.Female sperm whales on the other hand tend to be much smaller growing to lengths of 34 – 38 ft. long and weighing between 14 – 16 tons.In comparison to other whales the sperm whale has a very unique body and is unlikely to be confused with any other species of whale.It has a block shaped head which can measure up to 1/3 of the whales overall size and length.The head of the whale contains an organ known as the spermaceti organ, hence its name, which was once believed to produce sperm, but has since been proven to serve another unknown use.
Some researchers believe that the spermaceti organ assists the whale with buoyancy by allowing the whale to adjust the fluid balance and consistency within its head; after all the sperm whale is the deepest diving animal in the cetacean family.

Others believe the spermaceti organ plays a strong role in assisting the whale with echolocation as the fluids may help the whale absorb acoustic sounds from the echo’s it emits.In comparison to the rest of its large block shaped head the lower jaw is long, narrow and filled with cone-shaped teeth that fit into sockets in the upper jaw.The teeth however do not appear to be necessary for biting or consuming prey as sperm whales that do not possess teeth appear to be able to consume their prey with little or no issues when compared to toothed sperm whales.
When both the female and male are mature the male whale usually out measures the female by 30% – 50% in terms of length and weighs significantly more.In terms of color sperm whales are usually dark gray color, but can occasionally be a light grey or black coloring as well.To assist with swimming sperm whales have a small paddle shaped fins used for steering int eh water and large flukes to propel themselves forward.Unlike other whale species sperm whales do not have a dorsal fin, but instead has several small humps on it’s back with one larger hump that may resemble a dorsal fin.
Note: The sperm whale is known to have the largest brain of any known animal currently in existence.They are also known to have the largest eyes out of all of the toothed whale species.


The gestation period for the sperm whale usually lasts for 14 – 16 months.
Once the child is born the female sperm will feed its young by producing milk from her mammary glands which it shoots through the water and into the baby’s mouth.
Unlike other species baby sperm whales aren’t tied down to feeding strictly from its biological mother and may feed from other females in the group.
Although the female may stop lactating between 1 & 1/2 – 4 years the baby whale may continue to suckle from its mothers nipple until it reaches 12 years of age although it is highly unlikely that the baby whale will continue suckling for that long.
Once sexually mature these marine mammals may begin mating and reproducing their own offspring.
Female whales typically reach sexually maturity between the ages of 7 – 14 while males usually reach sexual maturity after the age of 18.
In terms of lifespan a healthy sperm whale is able to live for more than 70 years


In terms of natural threats sperm whales are known to face occasional attacks from killer whales.They may also be attacked (less frequently) by false killer whales and pilot whales.Other threats may include getting tangled in fishing nets/gear, pollution from waste and oil spills, collisions with ships and global warming.In the past the sperm whale was a victim of commercial whaling, however they are now considered a protected species and have recovered some of their losses over the years.

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