Thursday 28 May 2015

Tiger Salamander


western tiger salamander

Tiger Salamander


The tiger salamander is a small species of salamander, found inhabiting wetland habitats across North America. The tiger salamander can be easily distinguished from other species of salamander by the dark-coloured markings on the skin of the tiger salamander.
An adult tiger salamander is rarely seen out in the open as they spend their lives in burrows about half a meter into the ground. Most adult tigersalamanders live in their burrows on the land, only returning to the water to mate.
The tiger salamander is green, black, brown or grey in colour and has blotchy markings on its skin. The tiger salamander also has sturdy legs and a long tail, all of which the tigersalamander is able to regrow should these limbs become lost or damaged.

The tiger salamander is a carnivorous amphibian mainly hunting worms, insects and spiders that crawl into its burrow. Adult tiger salamanders are also known to hunt much larger animals such as baby mice and small frogs.

Tiger Salamanders originate from North America, and range from Florida and northern Mexico to southern Canada and the Rocky Mountains. In some states they have an endangered status, and are protected.
During the rainy season, which corresponds with the breeding season, Tiger Salamanders may be found near ponds, slow streams, marshes, and other small bodies of water. During the rest of the year, they are more secretive, and may be found in prairies, fields, or forests where they burrow under leaf litter or dig underground burrows. They may also live in abandoned burrows made by other animals or invertebrates, such as crayfish. Living underground places them in a group called "mole salamanders." Burrowing allows them to live in cooler, moister environments

Physical characteristics:
western tiger salamander

The Tiger Salamander is one of the largest land-dwelling salamanders in the United States. Adults are usually 9-12 inches in length, and some may reach a length of 13-14 inches. It is a stocky animal, with a broad, flat head, a blunt nose, small eyes, and a long, thick tail. There are four unwebbed toes on the front feet and five unwebbed toes on the back feet. As a means of defense, adults secrete a milky substance from glands on their backs and tails, which is toxic if eaten.

Life cycle:


TigerSalamanders have a voracious appetite and in the wild feed on insects, earthworms, grubs, small mice, minnows, and even other amphibians, such as frogs. Their diet should consist of earthworms, small snails, wax worms, and crickets or other insects dusted with calcium powder and vitamins. They may also eat some fish foods such as tubifex worms and brine shrimp. Larger specimens may also be fed pinky mice and minnows, however mice are high in fat content and should only be fed occasionally. Tiger Salamanders should be fed every 2-3 days.

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